
Let’s put eyes on your work

A black and white photograph of David Beaumier sitting on a staircae

We can do it together

I provide thorough editing and writing guidance at a rapid pace. Working with a writing group since 2013 and facilitating it since 2015, I’ve guided people through their novels and helped share the skill of editing with others.

I take real joy in learning the ins and outs of new work, and I never leave a project until I’m proud of what’s been done. My goal is to push your work toward the best it can possibly be before you publish or send it to an agent. I know that together we can make your creativity sing.

While I am rarely open for new work now, I do work as the Communications and Marketing Manager at Chanticleer Book Reviews and Media, and would be happy to help bring your work to completion through them. You can reach me there via DBeaumier@ChantiReviews.com